Sunday, March 30, 2014

Honey! Where's my super-suit? - Frozone, from "The Incredibles"

We were nearing the end of our trip and suddenly it hit me...  I didn't have a suit to wear for my wedding.  That's right, through all of our wedding planning, dress shopping and cake selection, I hadn't figured out what on earth I was wearing on our big day!

I had come to this realisation when picking up the rental car to meet our officiant, Renee Silverman.  It was not particularly a warm Orlando's day but I started to sweat and panic about this oversight.  I turned to Jennie and sheepishly asked, "what were we doing about the suits for the boys and me?"

She responded quite calmly, "we're going to Carolyn Allen's.  You know, the tuxedo rental place..."

Once again, Jennie had it all under control.  What would I ever do without you, Jennie?

I'm so forgetful.
Dory and I have a lot in common.  I don't remember what...

It's Tan here (duh), and this post is about our excellent adventure to meet our officiant, as well as the tuxedo selection.

Jennie had arranged for us to meet our officiant in a part of Florida that was about a forty minute drive from Disney World.  I was surprised that there existed parts of Florida that were not part of Disney World!

It was a non-theme park (whose name I cannot recall) that Renee had described to us as, "the real Florida".  A place where you could sit down in open space and not hear the the shrill screams of people strapped to a metal contraption that flings them up and down at ridiculous speeds.

Our officiant, Renee Silverman.

Renee, I'm sorry I ripped this from your website without your consent.  Please do not sue me.

We arrived about ten minutes before Renee did, (I'd like to take a moment to give a shout out to Google Maps for getting us there on time), so while we were waiting, I started chasing squirrels, then found a swing set, so I abandoned my squirrel chase to swing, then I almost fell off, and then Renee arrived, so I jumped off the swing and almost broke my ankle.  True story - just ask Jennie.

I was chasing this little dude around for a while.  They really are rats with cuter outfits!!

Renee arrived and was probably asking herself, "what on earth have I agreed to??", when she saw us on the swing set.  If she was, she didn't let it show.  What a professional!  She also forgave me for calling her "Ren-ay", and not "Ree-nee" the whole time on Skype before we finally met her in person.  How embarrassing!

She then proceeded to take us for a tour around this park and I must admit, it was such a beautiful place.

How's the serenity?  So much serenity...
It was so quiet and peaceful, not a roller coaster in sight or within earshot.  Just the sound of birds, and the occasional hum of a plane flying overhead.  The centrepiece of the park was a huge lake.  It looked like it would be very inviting on a hot summer's day.  If it were ten degrees hotter, I wouldn't blame someone for wanting to jump in sans clothing.  I mentioned this to Renee (except for the sans clothing bit) and she told me it wouldn't be a good idea.  For beneath these calm and inviting waters, lurks an alligator.  A big one.  One that bites.  Yep, this was definitely the real Florida she had promised.

This sign is very, very necessary.

We all found a nice place to sit down and discuss the wedding ceremony.  Jennie had her ideas (good ones), I had mine (it seems like we cannot get Katy Perry to sing at our wedding, or have Batman as our security).  We discussed these with Renee and came up with what we feel will be a fun and whimsical ceremony that captures our personalities to the fullest.

Shameless plug:  For anyone looking to have a wedding in Orlando, may I suggest you contact Renee (click here).  She has been fantastic throughout this whole process, and I look forward to seeing what she has in store for us on our big day.

We chatted a bit longer about all kinds of things (I cannot disclose this, as it may give away some of the surprises we have planned), and then we left after I chased a few more squirrels.

Sadly, I can relate to this...

Next up was the tuxedo shopping/rental.  Jennie and I had heard of Carolyn Allen's Bridals and Tuxedos on one of the Disney Weddings podcasts we listen to.  They seemed quite friendly and professional, so we decided to give them a try.

We went in there with a few thoughts on what we'd like to have at our wedding, but didn't have our hearts set on anything in particular.  We walked in and were greeted by the owner of the shop, Keith.  He was a very friendly guy with a sense of humour not too dissimilar to mine.  I think Jennie sensed this, which explained her involuntary face palm almost as soon as we walked through the door.

Poor Jennie...
One of my ideas was to wear a full top hat and tails ensemble.  Keith suggested that it wouldn't be a good idea given how hot it is in Orlando during September, but was kind enough to humour me as I tried on the outfit.

I look like a butler.  Call me, "Jeeves".  Then ask me anything you want...

This was the moment I knew that I shouldn't be wearing this outfit.

So there we were, changing jackets, pants, shoes, ties, underpants (okay, we didn't change underpants), and vests.  After about an hour of trying on all the things, I finally made up my mind (with a lot of help from Jennie).  I picked out a grey three piece tuxedo for my grooms men and I, with the tie being the differentiator.  I get ivory, Khoi gets fuchsia, and Jack gets purple.  This will mean that the ties match the outfit of the corresponding bride/bridesmaid - another nice touch by Jennie!

This is the look I'll be wearing on my wedding day (ignore my facial expression - I'll be smiling a lot more in September). 
It was such a busy day, but we got through it, and had a lot of fun along the way.

Thanks for reading!!


  1. Thanks for the laughs, Tan & Jennie! I'm glad the alligators didn't get you!

    Oh, and as a P.S. -- the name of the park is Gemini Springs -- and no, I won't sue you for using my picture!

  2. write another blog please :-)
